A blurb on what inspired me to create my artworks and aura painting

Monday 25 July 2011

Esoteric Art – Take 3 (how many more???)

Been so busy last weekend gallivanting in Venice – ahh the stressful bohemian life of an artist ~~~~ㅋㅋㅋ!!! – I did not manage to upload updates from last Friday Esoteric Art Event at Pinguino until now. The evening went incredibly well and for the first time ever I ended up taking orders for future portraits as not able to fulfil all the requests on the night (my apologies to those unfortunates who ended up going back home with empty hands!). Because of time restrictions, I couldn't really manage snapshots of all the paintings done so I am going to upload only the first couple I did. A very interesting duo...I am pretty sure she has been an Aztek sorceress in her previous life.



(미안한데요....이름은....안드레아가 없어지만 안트레아을 썼어요 ~~~ ㅜ.ㅜ 미안해요.
그리고 이탈리아말으로 엘레나는 에레나예요)