A blurb on what inspired me to create my artworks and aura painting

Sunday, 22 September 2013

The Phoenix - Araba Fenice

Whilst spending time in Italy aura painting at the Ferrara Buskers Festivals I was commissioned a couple of paintings by my friend Gaia for her restaurant-pizzeria Scaccianuvole, Ferrara, Italy.

The first painting is called The Phoenix as I wanted this to represent a great new beginning for Gaia's new thriving business. To the back of the painting I added a good luck spell which I hope will bring happiness and success to the business and, most important, to my friend. Still working on the second painting. Wait and see...

The Phoenix - L'Araba Fenice 

Gaia: io e la sorella ti siamo sempre vicine in spirito! (~mwahahhahah~)