Fist off we started with a drawing session with a model dressed like the Mona Lisa and posing as the Gioconda's painting (Mike painted a great background for it!!). The resemblance as a hole was truly uncanny!!!
Despite all the technical problems encountered with the setting up (a gigantic THANK YOU to James Greer for helping out on this), everything worked well in the end and the lecture on Italian Renaissance Art was very well received. My presentation caught a lot of interest from the crowd and we had an excellent Q&A session with lot of questions asked about the lives of Renaissance artists. I was truly impressed!!!
Whilst there I noticed that not only one of my paintings was still hanging on the wall of the art centre but one of my little sketches from the Hanbok (한복을 입은 여자) drawing session had been used by Mike in one of the advertising leaflets at Jankura!!!!!! I felt really flattered by that.
I would like to say thanks once again to Mike for organising the event and giving me the opportunity to talk about Art.
See you all again in Seoul!