First of all, before being invited to participate I have to confess that I was not really familiar with the whole concept of body painting so finding myself surrounded by so many talented artists that paint bodies instead of canvas was simply an extraordinary and inspiring experience.
The funniest bit was thought that, upon arrival, I was asked if I was one of the models instead of the traders, which fact I found really flattering (this despite me and modelling not being a thing)!!
At the festival not only I managed to sell a number of prints but the concept of esoteric art and aura painting seemed to catch somehow a lot of interest among participants and traders, so much so I ended up doing a lot of little aura portraits. Fortunately my friend Mark assisted me for the whole length of the festival, dealing with all the setting up and sale side, so I was able to concentrate on the painting, a total dream! What I liked the most was the opportunity to chat with all the people that had their aura sketch done and talk about the concept of reading people's energies and perception of auras. Below are some photos I took at the event:
During the lunch break I also did the aura sketch of my assistant, a proper mathematician's soul.
And...cherry on the cake, after receiving my aura painting one of the customers twitted it about. It was really touching to read such a kind message.
Furthermore before we left, we were blessed with the opportunity to watch the final catwalk with all the painted models showing off the work of the talented body-panting artists, there for the competition. A true work of art and a celebration of the human body (Leonardo and Michelangelo would be proud!). Here are some of the photos I took of the catwalk.
Totally looking forward to go back next year!