A blurb on what inspired me to create my artworks and aura painting

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Another successful painting delivery to Korean musicians and friends!

Once again I spent my summer back in Korea where this time I stayed for a considerable lengthily period. Although it is an understatement to say that many things did not go as planned - ah, isn't life always full of unexpected turn of events that leave you speechless at times? - during my staying I did successfully managed to retrieve the missing parcel full of paintings and get hold of the content all in one piece. Fortunately what started as an horrible ordeal ended well and I had the satisfaction to see my latest aura paintings safe in the hands of their rightful owners. It was definitely one of the highlight of my staying: for an artist, there isn't anything better than seeing the happy face of those you created something for, receiving your work. Here folowing all of the photos with the owners (and subject of the paintings) holding their own aura portrait. For those of you who had the opportunity to meet Midian and Messgram in person, hope you can see the resemblance between the painted aura and the person!

~ I would like to take this opportunities to say thanks to those who helped me to get hold of the missing parcel. My appreciation for your effort and thanks are never-ending, sincerely ~

