At the birth of Mankind a Dark and Light path lead to Negative (Dark) and Positive (Good) thinking. These together gave to Mankind the ability to communicate in an never-ending spiral of words. Some of these are destined to an eternal life (영생), like the work of famous artists, poets and writers.
~ The concept for this series was cooked up in Cambridge and for this I need to express my thanks first of all to my friend and colleague at the Corn Exchange Theatre, Mark (the first who came out with a suitable plan) and Rog (the one who helped me to elaborate the theme and encouraged me to make it back to Korea for the exhibition). Last but not least, the one behind the Eternal Life spiral's idea, concept and energy inspiration, my favourite Korean artist, 허영생 . This whole series is my way to say thanks to him for giving me the inspiration to make my journey to Korea.