As an artist, to see one of your works being rejected from the commissioner and the sale not going through is undoubtedly one of the hardest things to accept. If this is the case for any type of artists, portrait and general graphic artists of all sort among others, even harder is when your creation is the result of your spiritual perception and your artistic vision, all mixed in one.
When I started doing aura painting I thought the aura reading component was only a media for me to perceive a person and subsequently produce aesthetically pleasing art pieces. Over the years, I have come to the realisation that this component is instead key in my work and is not only a simple transition phase where I get inspiration from. For this reason, each painting is crafted as a self-discovery and somehow what I interpret as a journey to help people taking a step in a world that not many can (fully) perceive.

This painting represents a true vibrant energy that is like a mechanical core trapped inside a black sun-shaped cage, a mechanism as a whole that keeps on ticking and never stops. The black cage, like a clock, rotates around the core in a continuous never-ending cycle. From the centre there are ray of lights and darkness coming out, all interlinked together in complex intricate unfaltering spiral of negative and positive. The energy irradiating from the core reflects on the mechanic cogs and also all the intricate patter. For this reason, the piece has received a sparkling gloss vanish finish, so to convey the same feeling as the reflecting energy, as I perceived.
Since the sale of the painting did not go through, the original piece is currently on sale. Please get in touch if you like to purchase the piece. I will also shortly produce and start to sell prints hand-embellished in acrylics.
The Black Sun
(The mechanical clock)