A blurb on what inspired me to create my artworks and aura painting

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

New Aura Painting Series - CRUX (신영)

For someone who has many gigs under her belt such as myself, meeting a band that is acting friendly and nice to fans is always an awesome experience. During one of my last weekends in Korea I was invited by CRUX's drummer, 신영, to go and see the band playing live at a small local metal club. Not only their live performance was a pleasure to watch, in particular because if felt really intimate (not many people were there but the band give it all anyway), but it was the friendliness of the band after the show ended that made the show really memorable.

Photo by Simaris SJ (시마)
In return for the kind invitation and, most important, for making me feel rather welcome on the night, I wanted to express my thanks through my painting (since they seem to like what I do...I find always overwhelming when people I do not know seem to like my work).
The first aura portrait is of CRUX's drummer, 신영, the person who kindly sent me the invitation and really made me discover the band.

Photo by Simaris SJ (시마)
From the very first moment I met 신영 in person is kind nature and protective energy reminded me so much of that of a mighty fire that keeps people safe and warm in the middle of the night. However, as the fire can burn you if you get too near, so this powerful aura gives the powerful vibes of protection and threatening at the same time. It was not easy for me to find in internet an image similar to the vision that I had (which was more of a fire in the midst of the forest) but I think that these still might well represent the same feeling of comfort and peacefulness, as well as destructive power, I had in mind when painting.

For this piece I primarily used a lot of bright gold and red tones but I also added a glittering coat to mimic the reflection of the flames. I truly hope this painting conveys the warmth as well as the power of CRUX's drummer, that of a fire in a cold winter night.

CRUX (신영)
~ The mighty fire in the winter night ~

Monday, 9 February 2015

New aura painting and Korean adventures

Finally I am back blogging after such a long silence, busy with my teaching, travelling UK-South Korea back and forth and planning future art projects. No matter how often I go, it is always a pleasure to spend time in Seoul and surroundings, catching up with old friends, meeting new acquaintances, visit amazing art places...all that whilst eating a copious amount of delicious food (as only Koreans can do) and going to metal gigs or dance shows on a daily basis.

During my staying I had the pleasure to visit once again Jankura Art Space and his owner Mike Stewart during some of the art academy drawing sessions. Next time I am going back to the Korean capital, I will definitely try to organise once again another Aura Painting Workshop or an Italian Art Lecture there! Mike, wait for me!!!

And usually, I left Korea with a lot of art commissions as well as a bag full of promises to curious friends to create their bespoke aura portraits. The first one I did upon my return to the UK was a portrait of one of my dearest Korean friends, Rina 'Mighty Myo'. Fore the last year Rina not only has always been there for me but has also introduced me to many Korean metal bands, tattoo artists, and also very friendly concert-goers, which made my Korean staying more pleasurable. Her personality as well as her aura is definitely a burst of energy and I truly hope my painting did justice to her vitality. 

Rina ' Mighty Myo' - The wind at dawn
~ 재미 있는시간을 같이 보내줘서 고마워요 ~

The second portrait is of another old friend of mine, Jung Eil Huh, perhaps one of the first metal friends I met at a gig in Korea and definitely one of those people who really lives and breathe what Heavy Metal is all about. His aura somehow really matches his passion for metal with its purple and dark colours, like a moonless night (a little prince of darkness!)

Jung Eil Huh - The Moonless Night
~ 메탈 아자아자 화이팅~